>Magic Wings

>In winter’s chill, it is one’s desire to escape to a tropical place.  While you may not be aware, there’s just a place like that in New England.  A place where tank tops and flip flaps are the dress code all year round.  Destination: Magic Wings Butterfly Conservatory and Gardens, where the temperatures holds steady at about 80 degrees.  The 8,000 sq foot glass conservatory is filled with tropical vegetation that’s home to some 4,000 butterflies from around the world.  As a photographer, I felt like a kid in a candy store – fascinated by every little thing around me.  Below are just a few of my favorite shots from the tropical gateway.

Owl buterflies such as this one below are the largest species in the conservatory.  (Approx. 6 inches)
Rice Paper Butterfly

As you can see, it takes a good eye to spot some of these masqueraders as they rest on the leaves.
Butterflies’ lifespan is suprisingly short, about 2 weeks.  I guess it’s about the quality of life.

Blue Morpho butterfly is colored in metallic, shimmering shades of blue.

Male Cairns Birdwing
Bearded dragon
Nectar sponge feeder
To attract butterflies is not an all that common occurance at the butterfly conservatory. It only happens to the “special” people .This lady claims she only washed her hair with the Finesse shampoo.

  1. #1 by Viola on February 3, 2010 - 3:39 pm

    >Dude…you rock!!!

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